Call for papers

This year, the theme for the conference is inclusivity in language, linguistics and literature. In an increasingly interconnected and paradoxically fragmented world, questions on diversity, equity and inclusion are more pertinent than ever. Scholars of humanities and social sciences continue to demonstrate that they are uniquely positioned to explore these issues, as evident in the insightful research emerging from these fields. This 7th edition of the conference seeks to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their work foregrounding the inherent potential of language, linguistics, and literature as tools for cultural critique and social transformation.

The organising committee welcomes paper and poster proposals of 300 words (excl. references) on topics related to the conference theme and also more broadly to the fields of language, linguistics, and literature::

  • Acquisition and teaching of first, second and foreign languages
  • Bilingualism and multilingualism
  • Translation studies
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Diachronic and synchronic linguistic studies (phonetics, phonology; morphosyntax; semantics; lexis; discourse…)
  • Digital Humanities
  • Disabilities Studies
  • Ecocriticism
  • Animal Humanities
  • Literature Studies
  • Cultural studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Postcolonial Literature
  • Critical Theory

The languages of the conference are English, French and Spanish. Each participant can submit a maximum of two proposals (as single author or co-author) via the submission platform.

The conference programme will be held in a hybrid format, comprising in-person parallel sessions for paper presentations and online poster presentations published on the conference website.

The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2025.